Why don't i feel goosebumps when i pray anymore

Why don’t i feel goosebumps when i pray anymore

Prayer is a deeply personal and often emotional experience for many individuals. For some, the act of praying brings about a profound sense of connection, peace, and sometimes even physical sensations like goosebumps. These moments of intense emotion can be powerful affirmations of one’s faith and spirituality. However, there are times when these feelings may diminish or disappear altogether, leaving individuals questioning their spiritual state and the reasons behind this change.

In this article, we will explore the possible reasons why someone might not feel goosebumps when they pray anymore, considering both spiritual and psychological perspectives. We will also discuss ways to rekindle the emotional intensity of prayer and deepen one’s spiritual experience.

Understanding the Emotional Response in Prayer

The Role of Emotions in Spirituality

Emotions play a significant role in our spiritual lives. They can act as indicators of our inner state and reflect the depth of our connection with the divine. Feelings of awe, reverence, and love often accompany spiritual practices, and these emotions can manifest physically as goosebumps, tears, or a sense of warmth.

The Science Behind Goosebumps

Goosebumps, scientifically known as piloerection, occur when the tiny muscles at the base of hair follicles contract, causing the hairs to stand on end. This response is part of the body’s autonomic nervous system, which is also responsible for other involuntary reactions like sweating and heart rate changes. Goosebumps can be triggered by strong emotions, such as fear, excitement, or profound awe, which can be experienced during prayer.

Why the Goosebumps Might Fade

1. Routine and Familiarity

One of the most common reasons for the fading of emotional intensity in prayer is routine. When a practice becomes habitual, the initial excitement and novelty can wear off. This doesn’t mean that the practice has lost its value, but the emotional response might become less pronounced. Just as we can become accustomed to any repeated activity, the same can happen with prayer.

2. Spiritual Dryness

Spiritual dryness, or the “dark night of the soul,” is a phase where one feels disconnected from God or their spiritual practice. This period can be marked by a lack of emotional response, feelings of emptiness, and questioning one’s faith. It’s a common experience in the spiritual journey and can be seen as an invitation to deepen one’s faith and reliance on God, even without the emotional highs.

3. Emotional and Physical Fatigue

Emotional and physical states can greatly impact our spiritual experiences. Stress, fatigue, and overall mental health can dull our emotional responses. If you’re experiencing high levels of stress or are physically exhausted, it might be harder to connect deeply during prayer, and thus, you might not experience the same physical sensations.

4. Changes in Life Circumstances

Life changes, such as moving to a new place, changing jobs, or experiencing significant personal events, can alter how we feel during prayer. These changes can shift our focus and energy, making it harder to connect emotionally as we did before.

5. Growth and Maturity in Faith

As we grow and mature in our faith, our experiences and perceptions often change. Early in our spiritual journey, we might be more prone to intense emotional experiences as everything feels new and overwhelming. As we become more grounded in our faith, our experiences might become less about the emotional highs and more about a steady, unwavering connection with the divine.

Rekindling the Emotional Intensity in Prayer

1. Reflect on Your Spiritual Journey

Take time to reflect on your spiritual journey and what prayer means to you. Revisiting significant moments in your faith can help reignite the passion and emotional connection. Journaling about your experiences, emotions, and thoughts during prayer can also provide insights and deepen your understanding of your spiritual path.

2. Vary Your Prayer Practices

Incorporating different forms of prayer can help break the routine and bring new life to your spiritual practice. Try meditative prayer, contemplative prayer, or even creative expressions like prayer through art or music. Changing your physical environment, such as praying in nature or in a sacred space, can also stimulate different emotional responses.

3. Engage in Spiritual Reading

Reading spiritual texts, whether sacred scriptures or writings from spiritual leaders and mystics, can provide inspiration and deepen your understanding of prayer. These readings can offer new perspectives and insights, helping to reignite your emotional connection to your practice.

4. Connect with a Community

Joining a spiritual community can provide support and encouragement in your prayer life. Sharing experiences and praying with others can bring a sense of unity and shared purpose, enhancing the emotional aspect of prayer. Group prayers and discussions can introduce new elements and depth to your spiritual practice.

5. Practice Mindfulness and Presence

Being fully present during prayer can enhance your emotional connection. Mindfulness practices, such as focusing on your breath or body sensations, can help ground you in the present moment. This presence allows you to be more open and receptive to the spiritual experience, potentially bringing back the physical sensations like goosebumps.

6. Address Emotional and Physical Well-being

Taking care of your emotional and physical health is crucial for a vibrant spiritual life. Ensure you are getting enough rest, managing stress, and addressing any mental health issues. When your body and mind are well, you are more likely to have a deeper and more emotional spiritual experience.

Understanding Spiritual Dryness

Spiritual dryness is a common experience in the journey of faith, often characterized by a feeling of emptiness, lack of connection, and absence of emotional response during prayer. It can be disconcerting, but it is also an opportunity for growth and deeper reliance on God. Here are some ways to navigate through this period:

1. Embrace the Silence

During times of spiritual dryness, embrace the silence and absence of emotional highs as a different form of presence. Understand that God is still with you, even in the silence. This period can be a time of deepening trust and faith, learning to rely on God’s presence beyond emotional experiences.

2. Seek Spiritual Guidance

Talking to a spiritual mentor or guide can provide support and perspective during times of dryness. They can offer wisdom and practices to help you navigate this period and find meaning in the experience.

3. Continue Your Practice

Even when you don’t feel emotionally connected, continue your prayer practice. Consistency in prayer, despite the lack of emotional response, can strengthen your faith and commitment. Trust that this period will pass and that your efforts are meaningful.

4. Be Patient with Yourself

Spiritual growth is a journey with ups and downs. Be patient with yourself and understand that it is normal to go through phases of dryness. Allow yourself to experience this period without judgment or frustration.

The Deeper Meaning of Prayer

Prayer is ultimately about connection and relationship with the divine. While emotional responses like goosebumps can be affirming and beautiful, they are not the sole indicators of a meaningful prayer life. The deeper meaning of prayer lies in the intention, presence, and openness to the divine. It is about fostering a relationship that goes beyond emotional experiences and is rooted in trust, love, and faith.


The absence of goosebumps or intense emotional responses during prayer does not diminish the value or depth of your spiritual practice. Various factors, such as routine, spiritual dryness, emotional and physical states, life changes, and growth in faith, can influence how we feel during prayer. By reflecting on your spiritual journey, varying your practices, engaging in spiritual reading, connecting with a community, practicing mindfulness, and taking care of your well-being, you can rekindle the emotional intensity of your prayer life.

Remember, spiritual experiences evolve, and the absence of physical sensations does not mean the absence of divine presence. Embrace the journey with its highs and lows, and trust that your prayer, in all its forms, is meaningful and significant.